Home Berita Big Nationality Tabligh and Silaturrahmi Head of the Indonesian Police (Kapolri) in Central Kalimantan

Big Nationality Tabligh and Silaturrahmi Head of the Indonesian Police (Kapolri) in Central Kalimantan

by Humas IAIN Palangka Raya
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Thursday Night, May 24, 2018 Located at Masjid Raya Darussalam Jl. G. Obos Komplek Islamic Center Palangka Raya Central Kalimantan held Tabligh Akbar Nationality in order silaturrahmi between Chief of Police, Alim Ulama and Society of Central Kalimantan. The event was attended by Central Kalimantan Governor, Kapolda, Pangdam Tanjung Pura, Danrem Panju Panjung, Chairman of DPRD, Rector of IAIN Palangka Raya and Communication Forum of Regional Leaders and community leaders and people of Central Kalimantan.

Before the big tabligh held after the ‘Isha’ prayer and the taraweh, the event was opened with the reading of the Holy Qur’an by international qori’ H. Maksum, S.Fil followed by the remarks of Dr. Darussalam Mosque Chairman. H. Khairil Anwar, M.Ag. In his speech, he conveyed “we on behalf of the Governor Board of the Great Mosque Darussalam welcome the Chief of Police General Police Prof. H. Muhammad Tito Karnavian, Ph.D and Prof. Dr. KH. Nazaruddin Umar, MA. And we congratulate and succeed to Central Kalimantan Police to type A. “He revealed.

Furthermore, in his speech the Chief of Police General Police Prof. H. Muhammad Tito Karnavian, Ph.D in his speech “Alhamdulillah this is my first night in Central Kalimantan and doing Isya and Taraweh prayers and participating at Tabligh Akbar Nationality and can also interact (silaturrahmi) with Ulama and the people of Central Kalimantan.
It is expected that the Central Kalimantan Regional Police will be a security type A led by Inspector General of Two Stars Drs. Anang Revandoko could stay awake in Central Kalimantan as a blessing to be grateful for. “He revealed. Then it continued the giving of honor in the form of appreciation to the prominent figures of Ulama of Central Kalimantan who was also accompanied by Inspector General Drs. Anang Revandoko Kaptda Central Kalimantan.

The speaker of big nationality tabligh is Prof. Dr. KH. Nazaruddin Umar, MA, he is also the High Priest of Istiqlal Mosque Jakarta and Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs. In his speech, he conveyed that “Indonesian moslims implemented islamic values in their life. It become the largest ummah and Islamic civilization centre.

Dr. Ibnu Elmi A.S. Pelu, SH, MH Rector of IAIN Palangka Raya also accompanied Prof. Dr. KH. Nazaruddin Umar, MA when interviewed by the campusitahnews. He mentioned “Hopefully with big nationality tabligh, Muslims in Central Kalimantan and polices always solid and synergy in building religious life far from radical and peaceful living in the frame of huma betang philosophy in religious life, nation and state,” he said.

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