Home Berita Fakultas Syariah Holds International Webinar, Presenting Speakers from Monash University and Universitas Indonesia

Fakultas Syariah Holds International Webinar, Presenting Speakers from Monash University and Universitas Indonesia

by Humas IAIN Palangka Raya
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IAIN Palangka Raya – October 26, 2021, Fakultas Syariah of IAIN Palangka Raya held an International Webinar with the theme ‘Religious Moderation and Renewal of Islamic Law’. Even though it is held online, but it did not dampen the enthusiasm of the participants, which numbered more than 400 people. This International Webinar was not only attended by Fakultas Syariah students, other participants also came from various groups such as representatives of STAIN AL Fithrah Surabaya, Palangka Raya University, KPU Kota Palangka Raya and Kapuas, DPRD Kota Palangka Raya, Pengawas Kementerian Agama Kapuas, and a group of Islamic Religious Education teachers in Palangka Raya.

The activity which was opened directly by the Dean of the Fakultas Syariah, IAIN Palangka Raya, Dr. H. Abdul Helim, M.Ag. Prof. Dr. Nadirsyah Hosen from Monash University, Australia and Dr. M. Kholid Syeirazi, M.Sc., from Universitas Indonesia attended as speakers. The Dean of the Fakultas Syariah, in his speech expressed his great appreciation for the willingness of the two speakers to share knowledge in this International Webinar. In addition, he also expressed his gratitude to the participans for the willingness to attend this International Webinar.

In the presentation, Mr. Prof. Dr. Nadirsyah Hosen emphasized that the understanding of religious moderation is not to look modern or contemporary appearing, but with having knowledge regarding this matter, so that the expected values ​​are in accordance of Maqashid Syariah. Meanwhile, Dr. M. Kholid Syeirazi, M.Sc., said that the reform in Islamic law that needs attention is the renewal of political fiqh. Also, the nation-state needs to be an illat in the renewal of Islamic law as a manifestation of Nashbul Imamah, by applying the principle of muwathanah, namely equality without discrimination.  This international webinar ended with a discussion session which invited very active participants.

Source: http://fsya.iain-palangkaraya.ac.id/fakultas-syariah-gelar-webinar-internasional-hadirkan-pembicara-dari-monash-university-dan-universitas-indonesia/


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